Howard Elementary School

The Title program at Howard is essential to building community for our students and families. We strive to help students use their creativity through monthly STEAM challenges, encouraging the importantce of reading by every student getting to pick out a bithday book and more. Title nights throughout the year provide families a chance to engage with activities at school, obtain resources to encourgage learning at home and even just enjoying dinner and a movie together. Please see below more informtion on Title, monthly STEAM challenges and family nights.


Title Annual Meeting


HES Title Policy


Title Dates


Title-HES Parent Compact


Parental Notification


Complaint Procedure

Shared Vision

Pursuing academic excellence, developing personal motivation, and inspiring continued learning endeavors in preparation for the opportunities of tomorrow.

Mission Statement

Howard Elementary commits to growing learners who are college and career ready through quality instruction, effective use of resources, building a collaborative culture, and strong leadership.